All Happy Valentine Day Love Text Messages (SMS), Quotes and Wishes 2019 - Pick one from our mesmerizing collection of latest Valentine Text Messages. These Valentines Day SMS are the most expressive and easy way to express your heartiest feeling. We are offering you a plethora of options to send a Valentine message matching the relation you share with others. Just copy these messages to all your dear ones.
The love for your parents, siblings and of course your friend. Even if they’re spending Valentine’s Day with their better half, let them know that they hold a special place in your heart by sending them a Valentine’s Day card along with a small Valentine’s Day gift or a little bunch of flowers.
It will be probably the last thing they would expect on Valentine’s Day!
30+ Valentine Messages for Friends
Whoever said Valentine’s day is only for lovers? I love you my best friend! Happy Valentine’s day.
You have been my friend through thick and thin. I cannot imagine life without you. I love you, my friend. Happy Valentine’s day.
Even the most caring and loving partner cannot take the place of a good friend. Thanks for filling the gap in my life. Happy Valentine’s Day.
Hope your day brings just what you want it to.
Thanks for being the loyal and caring [friend] you are. Love you!
Here’s to Valentine’s Day filled with good wine, good food and especially good friends like you.
Happy Valentine’s to one of my favorite people. Ever.
Boyfriends come and go, but friends are forever! Happy Valentine’s day!
Valentine’s Day and every day, I’m grateful for you.
Through this beautiful text message, I send happy valentine day messages for my friends and family and wish you have a beautiful celebration of the day of love. Have a superb valentine’s day.
My friend, you deserve more beautiful love moments in this Valentine’s Day and I wish you celebrate the day lovely. I wish you a happy valentine’s day.
You are my dear friend and I love you dearly with all my heart. I wish you a wonderful Valentine’s Day celebration and you get cherished moments of love.
Hope he spoils you. You deserve it.
Someday, our princes will come.
Wish we could be together swapping chocolates and laughing over candy hearts like we used to.
I’ll raise an awesome Valentine’s cocktail for you.
I don’t need the doctor, you are the medicine that brings happiness to my life. Happy Valentine’s day.
I hope you feel loved and appreciated on Valentine’s Day. Because you are.
Valentine’s Day is much more fun when I get to spend it with you.
Friendship is all about understanding. It is all about forgiving. It is all about fighting and then finding it so hard to stay angry. Moreover, it is about loving unconditionally. Happy Valentine’s day my friend.
You are a friend to me, a friend who I would never ever want to lose. I love you more than anything else in this world. Happy Valentine’s day.
For my friends and family, I wish you a happy Valentine’s Day celebration and wish you get cherished love-filled moments on this special day of love.
May you feel a wealth of love this Valentine’s Day.
I feel loved this Valentine’s Day knowing that I have you as a friend.
You’re my best friend and my best Valentine!
Friendship is all about loving your friend. Dearest friend, you are my strongest pillar and greatest strength. Wishing Happy Valentine’s Day to you. Will love you always.
Life is incomplete without a dear friend and you are the one who completes me. Sending you warm wishes on the occasion of Valentine’s Day my dear pal.
Girlfriends come and go, but brothers are forever! Happy Valentine’s day!
Thanks for being my friend and my Valentine this year!
Sending warm feelings to a great friend this Valentine’s Day.
Today my heart beats out for close friends like you who have been understanding, loyal and supportive, every step of the way. Happy Valentine’s Day!
I cherish the time that we spend together and know that you are a great Valentine.
Free Happy Valentine Love Text Messages (SMS), Quotes and Wishes
Happy VALENT. 2 U. Do U know . . .
Happy VALENT. 2 U.
Do U know U're more than thousands of them outside there?
Relax, d promises which God has made concerning U will surely come 2 fulfilment
He is a ''CONSTANT'' GOD!!!
Happy Valentines Day Darling.. I feel so happy . . .
Happy Valentines Day Darling..
I feel so happy around u.
When you r not with me,
its your memories
that brighten up my gloomy days.
I will love you forever and Ever!
Happy Valentine. You're one of the people . . .
Happy Valentine.
You're one of the people dare to me.
I love you. I loved you for . . .
I love you.
I loved you for a year!
I loved you since the day
I first met you.
So, today, this special Valentine's Day,
I just wanted to declare my love to you.
That's all for now.
.-..-. .-..-. "-.-""-.-" Just Like We always & ever . . .
.-..-. .-..-.
Just Like We always and ever be Together
Happy Valentine"s Day !
You are really special. My very good friend . . .
You are really special.
My very good friend and a sincere one for that matter.
Hope you make the best of today. Happy valentine's
Its here... the day to celebrate love, . . .
Its here... the day to celebrate love,
yes its valentines day,
u were mine, you r mine and
i m sure that you ll remain mine for rest of my life.
Happy Valentine's day my love.
Hearts that care remember..and this day seems . . .
Hearts that care remember..and this day seems set apart...
To remind YOU that you're close in thought
and always in my heart.
Happy Valentine's Day! for Valentine ; you are my . . . for Valentine ; you are my only Valentine for I will Always be yours for Love at its most extreme for Everlasting love ; Ecstatic love. for Never-ending love for we will Always be Together forever for you being Intelligent and Innocent; 4 Natures naughty way of saying I luv you to for Eternity our love is so ever lasting .
...Wish you a luv filled Val's day!!!!
,.+""-., ,.-""+., . . .
,.+""-., ,.-""+.,
#NAME#, frm a HEART dat
Cherish, Luv and Cares!
To my darling #NAME#, U kissed my lips . . .
To my darling #NAME#,
U kissed my lips and I felt a flutter in my heart,
U touched my hand and lit a spark in my body,
U stared into my eyes and saw straight into my soul,
U put your arms around me and I was finally complete. Happy Valentine Day!
Friendship is all about understanding. It is . . .
Friendship is all about understanding.
It is all about forgiving.
It is all about fighting and then finding it so hard to stay angry.
Moreover it is about loving unconditionally,
Boyfriends come and boyfriends go
Girlfriends come and girlfriends go
But friends are forever Happy Valentines day.
Dear #NAME#, sorry for disturbing you but . . .
Dear #NAME#,
sorry for disturbing you but
I think you have taken away one precious thing from me without telling me
- A space in my Heart.
Wishing you a very lovely Valentine"s Day that is as special as you are.
Happy Valentine"s Day
To give pleasure to a single heart . . .
To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act
Is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY. for Valentine ;you are my only Valentine . . . for Valentine ;you are my
only Valentine for I will Always be yours for Love at its most
extreme for Everlasting love ;
Ecstatic love. for Never-ending love for we will Always be
Together forever for you being Intelligent
and Innocent; 4 Natures naughty way of
saying I love you to for Eternity our love is so
ever lasting .
...Wish you a love filled Valentines day!!!!
Love is about seeing more of the . . .
Love is about seeing more of the strengths of people rather than their weaknesses.
I chose to see your strengths.
Wishing you a very lovely Valentine's Day.
I"m a news anchor for CNN. Today . . .
I"m a news anchor for CNN.
Today I told everybody at the newsroom that I have breaking news.
They all sprang to action, camera men, make up artists, computer technicians preparing my news item.
I started my broadcast:
''Ladies and gentlemen, breaking news just in.
Today is Valentine's Day and
I want to wish my love a very happy Valentine's day''
The valentine day is a day set . . .
The valentine day is a day set aside to appreciate special people like you.
I appreciate you in a special way today cos you are special to me.
It will be ordinary to say I . . .
It will be ordinary to say I LOVE YOU
But it is true when I say YOU ARE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE.
You are like a book that has . . .
You are like a book that has to be read to,
Appreciate its beauty.
As such, you're one of the finest books ever written.
How I wish you could be reprinted...
Love is like magic and it always . . .
Love is like magic and it always will be.
It remains life's sweetest mystery!!,
It works in different ways..
Happy Valentine's day.
Friendship is the most beautiful word ever invented. . . .
Friendship is the most beautiful word
ever invented. One may even lose love
at some point of time in life, but a true
friend will be by your side forever.
Happy Valentines day.
Valentine's Day is a day invented to . . .
Valentine's Day is a day invented to remind us,
That we should love each other everyday in,
The same way we fell in love for the first time.
Love is nt an exam 2 pass . . .
Love is nt an exam 2 pass or fail.
Love is nt a competition 2 win or loss.
Bt love is a feeling in which you care 4 som1 more than yourself..
My past says u met me, my . . .
My past says you met me,
my future says you will care 4 me,
my present says you will understand me.
But my heart says you will always remember me!
Year Round Valentine He love you all through . . .
Year Round Valentine
He love you all through February,
Not just on Valentine's Day;
He cherish you when flowers of spring
Appear in the midst of May.
He adore you in the summer,
When the air is filled with heat;
Without Him in your my life each day,
You wouldn't be complete.
He treasure you in fall,
When leaves are turning gold;
He loved you when you were younger;
He'll love you when you're old.
He prize you in the winter,
When colder days are here;
He love you, love you all the time,
Every minute of the year.
So He'll give to you this Valentine,
But He want to let you know,
It's not just today, but always,
That HE will love you so.
Tears can sometimes be more special than . . .
Tears can sometimes be more special than smiles...
For smiles can be given to any one...
But tears are only shed for people we love!
Happy Valentine's Day!
On this day made just 4 lovers . . .
On this day made just 4 lovers something weighs heavily on my mind yet still I have to ask.
Will you be my valentine?
There will be no roses delivered no chocolates that taste divine yet none of that matters to me!
Will you be my valentine?
There will be no jewelry received from you to me; that suits me just fine all I want from you is your heart Will you be my valentine?
On this day made just 4 lovers you'll give me your heart, I'll give you mine yet still I have to ask.
Will you be my valentine?
Love is like playing the piano. First you . . .
Love is like playing the piano.
First you must learn to,
Play by the rules,
Then you must forget the,
Rules and lay from your heart.
As we celebrate this year valentine, Let us . . .
As we celebrate this year valentine,
Let us cultivate the habit of loving each other, not Lust.
love your neigbour as yourself.
HAppy val.
Just thinking of who to send a . . .
Just thinking of who to send a valentine greetings
guess how came to my mind?
Wishing you d very best of valentine
Will you be my Val?
Love you dear.
My heart is yours take it, Treat it . . .
My heart is yours take it,
Treat it gently,please do not break it.
Its full of love that's good and true,
So please keep it always close to
Your heart.
Sometimes we make love with are eyes.
Sometimes we make love with our hands.
Later we'll make love with our bodies.
BUT Always we make LOVE with our HEARTS.
Thank U 4 having U as my . . .
Thank U 4 having U as my sum1 special
and sooner or later my wife to be!
I will fulfill my promise and
I love you with all my heart, Happy valentine.
Happy Valentine! It doesn't matter that you . . .
Happy Valentine!
It doesn't matter that you are so far away
because you are constantly in my thought.
It doesn't matter that I've not seen you in years
because you're always in my dream.
It doesn't matter if there's no one to buy things for you
because you can give yourself a treat.
Love yourself.
It's all that matters
Sending you love and hugs on Valentine's . . .
Sending you love and hugs on Valentine's day
to let you know that you are very special to me.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Valentine's Day we think of those. Who make . . .
Valentine's Day we think of those.
Who make our lives worthwhile.
Those gracious,friendly people who.
We think of wid a smile.
I m 4tunate 2 know u.
Dat's y I want 2 say.
2 a rare and special person.
Happy Valentine's Day !
The very first time that I got . . .
The very first time that I got close to u, I knew you have a role to play in my life.
Wishing you a very lovely Valentine"s Day that is as special as you are.
Happy Valentine"s Day
My dear,I ave been alone searching for . . .
My dear,I ave been alone searching for who to be my val,
and a tot whispered to me, ask her.
So am about to do dat now. Will you be my val?
Hapi valentine's day dear
Among d countles dreams I had; a . . .
Among d countles dreams I had;
a beautifu one is came tru;
wen I fel in love and gav my hat 2 yu.
Life has; Since; change in a thousand ways.
B mine 4reva;
as I am yours.........Alwaz........
Happy Valentine Day
You are more than love to me... You . . .
You are more than love to me...
You are everything.
Happy Valentine Day.
Happy Valentine's Day 2 a special luv . . .
Happy Valentine's Day 2 a special luv
This valentine's is a special one i picked out just 4u,
2tell you that u're nice and
very special 2me happy valentine's day my dear.
Thank God 4 not placing price tag . . .
Thank God 4 not placing price tag on friends.
I wouldn't have gotten you as friend.
What should I say 2 you my dear?
So Many Time I Thought I'd Never Find Sum1 . . .
So Many Time
I Thought I'd Never
Find Sum1 To Love Me
d Way I Needed 2 B
Loved Then
U Came In My Life
Showed Me
What True Love
Really Is :)
Happy Valentine's Day
I may nt av given wat is . . .
I may nt have given wat is expectd of me,
i'm human and nt perfect bt insid this imperfectn lies a heart dt values you greatly.
i love you always.
Happy valentines day.
No gifts, no flowers to share to appreciate . . .
No gifts,
no flowers to share to appreciate you for partnering with us,
but we all at #FIRM_NAME# celebrate this day with you.
Happy valentine's day.
It takes a minute to have a . . .
It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone.
But it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
U're my love and friend forever...
Happy valentine's day!
No matter where I go, the warmest . . .
No matter where I go,
the warmest place will always be in your arms... Sweetheart, here is a cozy HUG to say...
I love you today, tomorrow, and ever after!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Here is wishing u a rosy valentine's . . .
Here is wishing you a rosy valentine's day.
Love 2 be loved beyond val.
my heart is like a flower if you . . .
my heart is like a flower
if you were my valentine
I'd find the softest rose
to gently brush against
those sweetest lips, the angels chose
my heart is like a flower
craving for your morning kiss
mere words cannot pay homage
to a passion such as this....Good morning...I LUV U
The post All Happy Valentine Day Love Text Messages (SMS), Quotes and Wishes 2019 covers all messages and images for 2019 valentine day celebration. Kindly drop your valentine day messages below.
The love for your parents, siblings and of course your friend. Even if they’re spending Valentine’s Day with their better half, let them know that they hold a special place in your heart by sending them a Valentine’s Day card along with a small Valentine’s Day gift or a little bunch of flowers.
It will be probably the last thing they would expect on Valentine’s Day!
30+ Valentine Messages for Friends
Whoever said Valentine’s day is only for lovers? I love you my best friend! Happy Valentine’s day.
You have been my friend through thick and thin. I cannot imagine life without you. I love you, my friend. Happy Valentine’s day.
Even the most caring and loving partner cannot take the place of a good friend. Thanks for filling the gap in my life. Happy Valentine’s Day.
Hope your day brings just what you want it to.
Thanks for being the loyal and caring [friend] you are. Love you!
Here’s to Valentine’s Day filled with good wine, good food and especially good friends like you.
Happy Valentine’s to one of my favorite people. Ever.
Boyfriends come and go, but friends are forever! Happy Valentine’s day!
Valentine’s Day and every day, I’m grateful for you.
Through this beautiful text message, I send happy valentine day messages for my friends and family and wish you have a beautiful celebration of the day of love. Have a superb valentine’s day.
My friend, you deserve more beautiful love moments in this Valentine’s Day and I wish you celebrate the day lovely. I wish you a happy valentine’s day.
You are my dear friend and I love you dearly with all my heart. I wish you a wonderful Valentine’s Day celebration and you get cherished moments of love.
Hope he spoils you. You deserve it.
Someday, our princes will come.
Wish we could be together swapping chocolates and laughing over candy hearts like we used to.
I’ll raise an awesome Valentine’s cocktail for you.
I don’t need the doctor, you are the medicine that brings happiness to my life. Happy Valentine’s day.
I hope you feel loved and appreciated on Valentine’s Day. Because you are.
Valentine’s Day is much more fun when I get to spend it with you.
Friendship is all about understanding. It is all about forgiving. It is all about fighting and then finding it so hard to stay angry. Moreover, it is about loving unconditionally. Happy Valentine’s day my friend.
You are a friend to me, a friend who I would never ever want to lose. I love you more than anything else in this world. Happy Valentine’s day.
For my friends and family, I wish you a happy Valentine’s Day celebration and wish you get cherished love-filled moments on this special day of love.
May you feel a wealth of love this Valentine’s Day.
I feel loved this Valentine’s Day knowing that I have you as a friend.
You’re my best friend and my best Valentine!
Friendship is all about loving your friend. Dearest friend, you are my strongest pillar and greatest strength. Wishing Happy Valentine’s Day to you. Will love you always.
Life is incomplete without a dear friend and you are the one who completes me. Sending you warm wishes on the occasion of Valentine’s Day my dear pal.
Girlfriends come and go, but brothers are forever! Happy Valentine’s day!
Thanks for being my friend and my Valentine this year!
Sending warm feelings to a great friend this Valentine’s Day.
Today my heart beats out for close friends like you who have been understanding, loyal and supportive, every step of the way. Happy Valentine’s Day!
I cherish the time that we spend together and know that you are a great Valentine.
Free Happy Valentine Love Text Messages (SMS), Quotes and Wishes
Happy VALENT. 2 U. Do U know . . .
Happy VALENT. 2 U.
Do U know U're more than thousands of them outside there?
Relax, d promises which God has made concerning U will surely come 2 fulfilment
He is a ''CONSTANT'' GOD!!!
Happy Valentines Day Darling.. I feel so happy . . .
Happy Valentines Day Darling..
I feel so happy around u.
When you r not with me,
its your memories
that brighten up my gloomy days.
I will love you forever and Ever!
Happy Valentine. You're one of the people . . .
Happy Valentine.
You're one of the people dare to me.
I love you. I loved you for . . .
I love you.
I loved you for a year!
I loved you since the day
I first met you.
So, today, this special Valentine's Day,
I just wanted to declare my love to you.
That's all for now.
.-..-. .-..-. "-.-""-.-" Just Like We always & ever . . .
.-..-. .-..-.
Just Like We always and ever be Together
Happy Valentine"s Day !
You are really special. My very good friend . . .
You are really special.
My very good friend and a sincere one for that matter.
Hope you make the best of today. Happy valentine's
Its here... the day to celebrate love, . . .
Its here... the day to celebrate love,
yes its valentines day,
u were mine, you r mine and
i m sure that you ll remain mine for rest of my life.
Happy Valentine's day my love.
Hearts that care remember..and this day seems . . .
Hearts that care remember..and this day seems set apart...
To remind YOU that you're close in thought
and always in my heart.
Happy Valentine's Day! for Valentine ; you are my . . . for Valentine ; you are my only Valentine for I will Always be yours for Love at its most extreme for Everlasting love ; Ecstatic love. for Never-ending love for we will Always be Together forever for you being Intelligent and Innocent; 4 Natures naughty way of saying I luv you to for Eternity our love is so ever lasting .
...Wish you a luv filled Val's day!!!!
,.+""-., ,.-""+., . . .
,.+""-., ,.-""+.,
#NAME#, frm a HEART dat
Cherish, Luv and Cares!
To my darling #NAME#, U kissed my lips . . .
To my darling #NAME#,
U kissed my lips and I felt a flutter in my heart,
U touched my hand and lit a spark in my body,
U stared into my eyes and saw straight into my soul,
U put your arms around me and I was finally complete. Happy Valentine Day!
Friendship is all about understanding. It is . . .
Friendship is all about understanding.
It is all about forgiving.
It is all about fighting and then finding it so hard to stay angry.
Moreover it is about loving unconditionally,
Boyfriends come and boyfriends go
Girlfriends come and girlfriends go
But friends are forever Happy Valentines day.
Dear #NAME#, sorry for disturbing you but . . .
Dear #NAME#,
sorry for disturbing you but
I think you have taken away one precious thing from me without telling me
- A space in my Heart.
Wishing you a very lovely Valentine"s Day that is as special as you are.
Happy Valentine"s Day
To give pleasure to a single heart . . .
To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act
Is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY. for Valentine ;you are my only Valentine . . . for Valentine ;you are my
only Valentine for I will Always be yours for Love at its most
extreme for Everlasting love ;
Ecstatic love. for Never-ending love for we will Always be
Together forever for you being Intelligent
and Innocent; 4 Natures naughty way of
saying I love you to for Eternity our love is so
ever lasting .
...Wish you a love filled Valentines day!!!!
Love is about seeing more of the . . .
Love is about seeing more of the strengths of people rather than their weaknesses.
I chose to see your strengths.
Wishing you a very lovely Valentine's Day.
I"m a news anchor for CNN. Today . . .
I"m a news anchor for CNN.
Today I told everybody at the newsroom that I have breaking news.
They all sprang to action, camera men, make up artists, computer technicians preparing my news item.
I started my broadcast:
''Ladies and gentlemen, breaking news just in.
Today is Valentine's Day and
I want to wish my love a very happy Valentine's day''
The valentine day is a day set . . .
The valentine day is a day set aside to appreciate special people like you.
I appreciate you in a special way today cos you are special to me.
It will be ordinary to say I . . .
It will be ordinary to say I LOVE YOU
But it is true when I say YOU ARE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE.
You are like a book that has . . .
You are like a book that has to be read to,
Appreciate its beauty.
As such, you're one of the finest books ever written.
How I wish you could be reprinted...
Love is like magic and it always . . .
Love is like magic and it always will be.
It remains life's sweetest mystery!!,
It works in different ways..
Happy Valentine's day.
Friendship is the most beautiful word ever invented. . . .
Friendship is the most beautiful word
ever invented. One may even lose love
at some point of time in life, but a true
friend will be by your side forever.
Happy Valentines day.
Valentine's Day is a day invented to . . .
Valentine's Day is a day invented to remind us,
That we should love each other everyday in,
The same way we fell in love for the first time.
Love is nt an exam 2 pass . . .
Love is nt an exam 2 pass or fail.
Love is nt a competition 2 win or loss.
Bt love is a feeling in which you care 4 som1 more than yourself..
My past says u met me, my . . .
My past says you met me,
my future says you will care 4 me,
my present says you will understand me.
But my heart says you will always remember me!
Year Round Valentine He love you all through . . .
Year Round Valentine
He love you all through February,
Not just on Valentine's Day;
He cherish you when flowers of spring
Appear in the midst of May.
He adore you in the summer,
When the air is filled with heat;
Without Him in your my life each day,
You wouldn't be complete.
He treasure you in fall,
When leaves are turning gold;
He loved you when you were younger;
He'll love you when you're old.
He prize you in the winter,
When colder days are here;
He love you, love you all the time,
Every minute of the year.
So He'll give to you this Valentine,
But He want to let you know,
It's not just today, but always,
That HE will love you so.
Tears can sometimes be more special than . . .
Tears can sometimes be more special than smiles...
For smiles can be given to any one...
But tears are only shed for people we love!
Happy Valentine's Day!
On this day made just 4 lovers . . .
On this day made just 4 lovers something weighs heavily on my mind yet still I have to ask.
Will you be my valentine?
There will be no roses delivered no chocolates that taste divine yet none of that matters to me!
Will you be my valentine?
There will be no jewelry received from you to me; that suits me just fine all I want from you is your heart Will you be my valentine?
On this day made just 4 lovers you'll give me your heart, I'll give you mine yet still I have to ask.
Will you be my valentine?
Love is like playing the piano. First you . . .
Love is like playing the piano.
First you must learn to,
Play by the rules,
Then you must forget the,
Rules and lay from your heart.
As we celebrate this year valentine, Let us . . .
As we celebrate this year valentine,
Let us cultivate the habit of loving each other, not Lust.
love your neigbour as yourself.
HAppy val.
Just thinking of who to send a . . .
Just thinking of who to send a valentine greetings
guess how came to my mind?
Wishing you d very best of valentine
Will you be my Val?
Love you dear.
My heart is yours take it, Treat it . . .
My heart is yours take it,
Treat it gently,please do not break it.
Its full of love that's good and true,
So please keep it always close to
Your heart.
Sometimes we make love with are eyes.
Sometimes we make love with our hands.
Later we'll make love with our bodies.
BUT Always we make LOVE with our HEARTS.
Thank U 4 having U as my . . .
Thank U 4 having U as my sum1 special
and sooner or later my wife to be!
I will fulfill my promise and
I love you with all my heart, Happy valentine.
Happy Valentine! It doesn't matter that you . . .
Happy Valentine!
It doesn't matter that you are so far away
because you are constantly in my thought.
It doesn't matter that I've not seen you in years
because you're always in my dream.
It doesn't matter if there's no one to buy things for you
because you can give yourself a treat.
Love yourself.
It's all that matters
Sending you love and hugs on Valentine's . . .
Sending you love and hugs on Valentine's day
to let you know that you are very special to me.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Valentine's Day we think of those. Who make . . .
Valentine's Day we think of those.
Who make our lives worthwhile.
Those gracious,friendly people who.
We think of wid a smile.
I m 4tunate 2 know u.
Dat's y I want 2 say.
2 a rare and special person.
Happy Valentine's Day !
The very first time that I got . . .
The very first time that I got close to u, I knew you have a role to play in my life.
Wishing you a very lovely Valentine"s Day that is as special as you are.
Happy Valentine"s Day
My dear,I ave been alone searching for . . .
My dear,I ave been alone searching for who to be my val,
and a tot whispered to me, ask her.
So am about to do dat now. Will you be my val?
Hapi valentine's day dear
Among d countles dreams I had; a . . .
Among d countles dreams I had;
a beautifu one is came tru;
wen I fel in love and gav my hat 2 yu.
Life has; Since; change in a thousand ways.
B mine 4reva;
as I am yours.........Alwaz........
Happy Valentine Day
You are more than love to me... You . . .
You are more than love to me...
You are everything.
Happy Valentine Day.
Happy Valentine's Day 2 a special luv . . .
Happy Valentine's Day 2 a special luv
This valentine's is a special one i picked out just 4u,
2tell you that u're nice and
very special 2me happy valentine's day my dear.
Thank God 4 not placing price tag . . .
Thank God 4 not placing price tag on friends.
I wouldn't have gotten you as friend.
What should I say 2 you my dear?
So Many Time I Thought I'd Never Find Sum1 . . .
So Many Time
I Thought I'd Never
Find Sum1 To Love Me
d Way I Needed 2 B
Loved Then
U Came In My Life
Showed Me
What True Love
Really Is :)
Happy Valentine's Day
I may nt av given wat is . . .
I may nt have given wat is expectd of me,
i'm human and nt perfect bt insid this imperfectn lies a heart dt values you greatly.
i love you always.
Happy valentines day.
No gifts, no flowers to share to appreciate . . .
No gifts,
no flowers to share to appreciate you for partnering with us,
but we all at #FIRM_NAME# celebrate this day with you.
Happy valentine's day.
It takes a minute to have a . . .
It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone.
But it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
U're my love and friend forever...
Happy valentine's day!
No matter where I go, the warmest . . .
No matter where I go,
the warmest place will always be in your arms... Sweetheart, here is a cozy HUG to say...
I love you today, tomorrow, and ever after!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Here is wishing u a rosy valentine's . . .
Here is wishing you a rosy valentine's day.
Love 2 be loved beyond val.
my heart is like a flower if you . . .
my heart is like a flower
if you were my valentine
I'd find the softest rose
to gently brush against
those sweetest lips, the angels chose
my heart is like a flower
craving for your morning kiss
mere words cannot pay homage
to a passion such as this....Good morning...I LUV U
The post All Happy Valentine Day Love Text Messages (SMS), Quotes and Wishes 2019 covers all messages and images for 2019 valentine day celebration. Kindly drop your valentine day messages below.
All Happy Valentine Day Love Text Messages (SMS), Quotes and Wishes 2019
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