How to Sponsor a Post or Service or Product on This Blog


We're open for business and we promise to deliver more than you expected - yes, you heard it right.

To sponsor a post, product or services on this blog, you don't need to break the bank. I believe you want to sponsor a post or product or services to get prospective buyers for your product or services - that is what we're here to deliver to you.

More Information About This Blog

This blog is a multi niche website and its in a serious friendly relationship with Google search engine, that is to tell you that 90% of our visitors comes from search engines like Google, Bings while the other percentage comes from online forums etc.

We have gotten millions of visitors and still counting. On daily basis, this blog receives thousands of unique visitors from one search term or the other - you too came from a search term. Right? Yes. Lol.

Are you among those that stands with "Seeing is Believing"? If yes, see the proof of traffic below:
As you can see, it gets over 100,000 unique visitors per month and I believe your buyers are among the visitors. Now, let's get down into business.

How Much to Sponsor a Post on This Blog

To sponsor a post on this blog costs;
$100 or N35,000 Naira ❌
$50 or N17,000 Naira ❌
$20 or N5,000 Naira ❌

Don't panic, we are not using the old price any longer and besides, the season is around the corner. So, we're already celebrating it already.

To celebrate it for you, here is our current rate for sponsored post/product/services.

$10 For Foreign Clients
N2,500 For Nigerian Clients


$7 Per Month For Foreign Clients ✔️
N2,000 Naira Per Month For Nigerians ✔️

NOTE: Sponsored Posts stays on this blog for lifetime while banner advertisement is renewed monthly.

How to Place Your Sponsored Post

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How to Sponsor a Post or Service or Product on This Blog Sponsor+A+Post Reviewed by Admin on 11:12 Rating: 5
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